The Brown Note

poopswans - noun pl. def. any of several large, aquatic birds. not to be confused with shitgoose but, are often mistaken for salmon, though an entirely different species, due to the inability to swim downstream. comprised of several yokels orginally based in sunny santa barbara, they carouse annually and flock together from edward forty-hands to coachella (F26) and vegas to whistle-tip party bus. they are easily spotted at these events because of their mating chants that they perform as well as their drunken waddle. experts have speculated that this waddle may be caused by an illness of the inner ear although the exact cause of this illness is still unclear while others point to gelatonous treats that these birds consume in large amounts that they recieve by someone only known as "cuervo." these birds are typical UCSB graduates in that they have a insatiable appetite for fine spirits and good times that they may not always remember in its entirety. the end result of these nights of drunkeness is a morning full of tater tots and MTV, particularly Laguna Beach and sucka-free videos. lastly, if one partakes in any activity fit for a six year-old (i.e. rollerskating, riding on buses, sloshball, slip-slides, kickball, imaginary twister, all while being extremely might be a poopswan.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Coachella bella

alright...i'm camping!
who's coming with me...i have a canopy and drunk fruit.
how can one really resist?


janey said...

I'm staying at a hotel.

Locker 13 said...

Under the message board section on the coachella website, if you click on the Coachella lounge there is a section called "lets hear some coachella music"... really cool area where people post videos of musicians playing

poopswans said...

huh..that's cool. way to drop some knowledge locker 13.